Looking to bring you back to the basics of understanding how your body works.
I tend to have a habit of relating your physical health to an automobile to break the stigma of only coming in for a massage when an injury and/or general pain arises.
My favourite line is “you take your car in for a tune up after a certain amount of mileage like clockwork, why not the same for yourself?'“
You’ll hear ‘tune up’ or ‘maintenance check’ often with myself in order to better understand the benefits of preventative care vs. reactive care. If we can regularly schedule our own tune up whether that may be biweekly, monthly, or even quarterly; we can hopefully have the upper hand with preventing day to day discomfort along with being more aware of what causes yourself tension through occupation and/or general activities.
“The perfect combination of relaxation as well as the kind of hurts but in a good way pain.”
— Client of 2+ years
It all begins with an idea. I’ve sat on the name The Repair Shoppe for over two years trying to think of a way to grow but scared to make a proper effort in order to never feel like a failure. I want to be able to grow and learn together in order to provide the best possible care for everyone.